
Discover the Mascot of Bahia: Its Versions and Its History
The mascot of Bahia is Superman; however, the Tricolor celebrates the goals scored in the four classics held in 2024, and the main references to the red-and-black teams are sardines and chicks. Everything is based on "despesa," a more regional term that most of the country tends to call "zoeira." But do we really know the root of the provocation, as BRG365 will tell you? Discover Bahia's Mascot:

Ticket for the Bahia Game - how to buy?
Quick Ticket: Your Key to Football The Arena Fonte Nova offers online tickets for all matches taking place at Fonte Nova Stadium. It is also possible to purchase tickets for concerts and events held there throughout the year. Ticket for Bahia Game - how to buy? (BRG365) Bahia Game Ticket With the Sócio Esquadrão Program, fans have the chance to purchase tickets for any Bahia match with tariff ad